How to Hunt? Hunting 101

Hunting is a sport and a form of recreation for many people. Every year there are thousands of people who take to the great outdoors to hunt different types of game animals.

Many hunters are experienced huntsmen who have been indulging in this activity for years and others are just beginning to learn the ropes.


Hunting Laws and State Requirements

After a person has decided that they want to hunt animals they first learn the applicable laws about this activity within their state. Hunting laws are important because they protect other hunters, animals, the environment and private and public property. They also keep people from indulging in the illegal act of poaching.

As a matter of fact, in most states, a hunter who does not have a license is considered a poacher and they could receive jail time or fines if they are found guilty of this crime.

People who want to hunt must first get a certificate and then a license. A certificate will usually allow a hunter to get a license in many different states. Each state is different and a person who decides to hunt in different parts of the country should know the laws and regulations for that particular area.

Hunters are usually allowed to hunt game animals that have been specified by Game and Fishing or Wildlife and Conservation Department within a particular state. Some states will need a person to have completed a basic hunter’s education course as a part of their certification or licensing process.

This is necessary so that hunters can know what types of animals that they can legally hunt. It is not a wise thing for hunters to go out into a wooded area and start killing animals without having this knowledge.

Some game animals are permitted by the state to be killed and others are not. Also, some animals can only be killed in a limited quantity. Once that limit is reached hunters are not allowed to destroy any more game than what is permitted.

State legal requirements might also need hunters to complete a gun safety and training course and/or a hunter’s education course.

Hunters will also have to figure out what type of license they will need for hunting. There are licenses for hunting big and small game animals, migratory game and birds and waterfowl.

As a side note fishing licenses are also issued for the same reasons as hunting licenses though fishing license requirements are not as stringent as those for hunting.

Learning How to Shoot

Beginning hunters might not be familiar with shooting weapons. In order to learn how to properly shoot a rifle or firearm they should take a course. Once again, some states require them to do this as a part of the licensing process.

Some people might live in a state where this is not a requirement and they should enroll in a shooting course on their own. Learning how to shoot a gun is important because shooting an animal in the wild is not as easy as it seems.

Inexperienced hunters should also know about the different types of guns that they will need for the type of game that they will hunt.

Where to Hunt

Each state has designated hunting grounds and inexperienced hunters should not drive around until they find a wooded area and just start shooting animals. As foolish as this might sound some people actually do this type of thing.

Game and Fish and Wildlife and Conservation Departments will give hunters information about where they can go to shoot game. Most states have public lands that are available for this reason and private landowners also lease or rent out their properties for this purpose.

Here is a list of basic skills that hunters should use while out in the field.

  1. The first most and most important rule is to never hunt alone. Inexperienced hunters can easily get lost in the woods or they might not know what to do once they kill an animal. It is also good to have a partner in the event an emergency arises.
  2. Hunters should pack the necessary equipment and gear that they will need in order to survive in the woods. They should travel as light as possible but still carry with them the necessary gear that they will need for their trip.
  3. Hunter should keep in mind that they are not the only people hunting within a particular area unless it is private land. Even then they should watch out for other hunters. Over the years many people have lost their lives on hunting trips because they were shot on accident by other hunters.
  4. Wearing camouflage to hide from animals is important but hunters should also wear hunting gear that is easy to detect by other hunters who are in the area. Some states require that hunters wear bright orange safety vests or other gear so they can easily be spotted by other hunters in the area.
  5. Hunters who blend in with their environment to the point where no one can detect that they are around will run a higher risk of being shot or injured by another hunter.
  6. Hunters should follow-up on their shots to make sure that they kill the game that they were trying to kill. Hunters should also try to take clean and good shots. The one shot, one kill motto works well for hunting because taking multiple shots to bring down an animal could be seen as an inhumane thing to do or it shows the lack of experience of a hunter. Also, taking multiple shots could endanger the lives of other hunters in the area.
  7. Hunters should always respect other people’s property when out in the woods. Sometimes hunters will have to leave their equipment behind in order to obtain a kill. A hunter who comes across another person’s property should not just leave it alone.
  8. Hunters should keep the woods clean and if they start a fire they should make sure to put it out before they leave.
  9. When a hunter makes a kill they are encouraged to act sensible when taking the game away. They should resist the urge to flaunt their kill. They should also use their common sense and reasoning about the best way to transport the game away.Hunters should always obey the rules of a particular hunting area so that they can continue to hunt in that territory.

Beginning hunters should also learn everything that they can about the type of game that they wish to hunt. Also, there are plenty of hunting organizations and clubs within a given area that are usually on the lookout for new members.

These organizations are usually great places for people to learn about hunting and how to get the most fun and excitement from this situation.